LD52 game, with the theme "Harvest"!


Missed the COMPO deadline by 5 minutes :(

So, it is now a JAM entry!


* Move with the arrows (or W/S/A/D)

* Touch the tool to grab it

* Execute action with "Space"

* Use the Hoe tool to prepare the soil

* Use seeds on prepared soil

* Use the water on the seeds

* Wait for the seed to grow

* Harvest :)

* Exterminate the bugs with the spray! If they are left alive for too long, you lose a life. * Bugs will spawn on crops, unless there isn't any available (then they will spawn nearby!)

* If there is a bug on the crop, you cant do anything there!

That's all!

Hacked features:

  • The action was supposed to be effective on the diretion the player is facing. Due to time constraints and other bugs, the action is executed on the visible "square", and is always a bit above the player :)
  • The grasshopper's animation was done using only "scaling", as lot of time was already invested on the other many animations and tiles.

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