This is the experimental project for the 7Folders jam, with the "Interactive Story" theme.

In this story, you control de an adventurer's decisions, which will influence his status and, in turn, affect which actions will succeed when interacting with the environment.

Each stage has 3 possible actions (each one with a success and failure conditions)

Sprites and SFX were HEAVILY inspired and based on the GB and SNES Zelda games :)


Move: keyboard'a arrow keys
Interact: "ENTER" key





Known Bugs

The "," and "'" are not displayed properly on the webgl version :(
Opting for a low resolution means less space for text, which means I had to try to fit everything in one line (and sometimes it goes out of the box's bounds

Next steps

Multilined text! :D

Mobile version

Story background

Bigger areas and more scene interactivity

Attack effects and animations

Fency sprites and tiles

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